
Mahran Hossain

In October of 2023, Mahran Hossain, 33 years old, was diagnosed with Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) stage 4B, a very rare and aggressive cancer. During …

Jannatul Ferdaus

Living in Chandpur, Chittagong, Jannatul Ferdaus is HatchHope’s newest scholarship recipient. The daughter of a painter and a homemaker, her ability to attend school is …

Turkiye Earthquake

On February 23, 2023 HatchHope collected and donated 37 lbs. worth of clothing and food. In addition, we also donated $132.64 of medical supplies, including …

Rhidoy Family

Mr. Rhidoy was the latest recipient of our HatchHope family uplift grant. Mr. Rhidoy was given funds to complete his Electrical technician certificate while he …


2015-2016 Eid ul Adha is very special this year for Renu who is able to see the celebrations in 23 years. Renu, who is now …

Book Donations

2014-2015 Howard University College of Medicine graduating colleagues Alejandro Bocanegra Osuna and Matthew Sinclair helped collect and transport 222.7 Lbs of text books worth $513.00 …

Hena Begum

2014 Meet Hena Begum, a 55 year old widow who worked as a house maid for 12 years. 2 years ago she had an accident …