Jannatul Ferdaus
Jannatul Ferdaus

Jannatul Ferdaus

Living in Chandpur, Chittagong, Jannatul Ferdaus is HatchHope’s newest scholarship recipient. The daughter of a painter and a homemaker, her ability to attend school is dependent on her father’s work. However, due to a medical condition, her father is only able to work intermittently. She attends the Hatila government primary school, and is an above average student in her 5th grade class. Thanks to the generosity of HatchHope’s donors, we were able to provide her with a scholarship of $350 for the year, allowing her to continue her studies.

Update on Jannatul’s Family:

With the funds provided by HatchHope, Jannatul’s father Selim was able to partner with a local shopkeeper to sell paint. He now travels to paint motor vehicles by commission.